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Flotilla 2-7 Member Training

Coast Guard Auxiliarists serve in a variety of missions after training and qualification.  Training materials and Flotilla member mentors are readily available.

    Surface Operations

OPFAC Salty Sailor towing disabled vessel


Trained in boat handling, search and rescue, towing and navigation; Auxiliary Coxswains and Crew regularly patrol our area of operation to offer boating safety advice and to assist boaters in distress.


Lake Sinclair fireworks July 4, 2012


Other safety and regatta patrols support the Special Olympics, swimming and paddle sports events and community July 4th celebrations.





Auxiliarist Rick Bogden prepares his facility Pursuit to get underway on Lake Tobesofkee with crew Boyd Ellison and John Sprague-Williams.


   Lighthouse Keeping

Auxiliarists lighthouse keeping at Boston Light

Qualified as Assistant Lighthouse Keepers, Wendy Clayton and Dave Kisner return yearly to Boston Light.  It's more than an Auxiliary mission for Wendy; it's a family career.  Her father, Horace Smith (USCG, retired), was a Lighthouse Keeper in Maine.



   First Aid & CPR

Auxiliarists practicing CPR

Recognizing that emergencies may require Auxiliarists  to provide care for injuries and sudden illness until medical professionals arrive, Flotilla 2-7 members regularly complete First Aid and CPR training and practice their skills.

Auxiliarists practicing first aid





   Public Appearances

Auxiliarists share the boating safety information in a variety of venues--safety booths at outdoor festivals, seminars with marine industry professionals, radio public service announcements, courtesy vessel examinations and boating information boxes located at marine partner businesses.

Auxiliarist broadcasting live boating safety information from PA eventAuxiliarist showing proper pfd adjustment at PA event

                             Auxiliarists examining various types of inflatable pfds 


October 2014 Division Meeting


AUX-FS Tom Brender grills a barbeque luncheon


Auxiliarist Wendy Clayton assists with food preparation


Auxiliarist Kim Duford earns her second Auxiliary Sustained Service Award


Newly elected Division Vice Commander John Sprague-Williams and Division Commander Pat McMenamin are sworn in to leadership positions by District Captain-North Dave Fuller. Immediate past Division Commander Nan Ellen Fuller observes.


Auxiliarist Zach O’Bryan is sworn in to the Coast Guard Auxiliary